Sunday, September 22, 2013

Crossfit Pregnant mom Commentors 2

On a side note, not relating to losing babies
1) Mind your own business
2) Stop feeling SO free to judge other people, especially other women's pregnancies
3) You are not a doctor
4) She was 8.5 months pregnant, obviously has had a successful healthy pregnancy, so far, and had 2 prior to this as well.  I think she knows what she's doing, and so do HER doctors.
5) Women who are in shape, weight-lifters, athletes, etc.. are very aware of their body, their abilities, limitations, and ANY changes that they feel relating to their health
6) Yeah, mind your own business again.. unless it's a cocaine using, cigarette smoking pregnant mom- then feel free!!

To Crossfit Pregnant Mom Commentors

To Crossfit "pregnant mom" Commentors

"“This is why CrossFit is horrible. No one knows what they're doing. This is a good way to lose your baby,” wrote Facebook user Evan Kennedy, a physical therapist."

1) I did NOT exercise when I was pregnant
2) I almost lost my baby

The End

On a Side Note.... Crossfit Pregnant Mom Commentors 2

Refer to the following posts to observe my 23 week premature baby that I had while not working out:
Adalyn's 1st Year Video
Life in the NICU/CCN