Thursday, January 24, 2013

AP: What the heck is that?

*This is in no way a judgement of 
those who practice AP parenting!*  
Just my reflection on my own parenting

The first time that I saw "AP dad", or "AP mom", my first thought was... "What is AP?"  And what's with all of these new terms that keep coming out that you need a slang dictionary for!  ISO (in search of), DIY (do-it-yourself), I thought DIY was a store!  So, here we go again.. another "slang" term for, what's AP again?  So, on to this website to research the newest addition to initials that I needed to learn, to be able to understand my friends, and I find Attachment Parenting.  OK, I've heard of this before.. it's psychology terms, like authoritative versus permissive parenting!  But then I learn that the term is being sponsored, represented by super-moms and dads, blogged about, and getting waves of attention as the best way to parent a baby.  

Hold up here for a second!  

People have been parenting this way for centuries!  And now, all of a sudden, it's been given a label and put on a pedestal for parents as a guideline and comparison tool.  What happened to parents following their heart, and doing what comes naturally to them.  As long as the kid is safe?  Not anymore!  Now it's keep the kid safe, constantly be in contact with them, preferably skin-to-skin, and only positive reinforcement allowed.  And people are actually following these as "rules"; step-by-step, actual directions!  I have seen competitions on blogs where they are trying to find the best AP parent.  It's not enough anymore to make it through the day with a little spit-up on your shirt; I need to clean the house, cook some home-made muffins for after my home-made dinner, and make some home-made playdoh, all while "wearing" my baby.  And forget about those muffins now that they're in the stove!  My baby is crying, so I need to ignore the fire alarm and feed her ASAP!  Now, maybe the majority of people don't actually follow this 100% and allow a little room for the burning muffins, but I'm telling you, I have seen these parents!  And like I said at the beginning, this is no judgment on their part- I say "good for them!" if they can do this!  

Here's why AP just isn't for me:
- I was not ever able to breastfeed.  
- I was not able to go through a natural birth.  
- I was sticking a pacifier in my daughter's mouth so she would go back to sleep, instead of feeding her 3-4 times, at night.  
- I don't take baths, and I feel awkward about joint-baths.. have my kid see me naked, even though she won't remember it?  No thanks.
- I only have a baby, but I have a feeling that when my child is throwing a temper tantrum I'm not going to be able to just sit there and come up with a solution; yes, they are expressing an emotion, no, it is not the right way to express that emotion.  
- And lastly, I don't wear my baby 24/7.  I work, I cook, and I clean, all with her doing her own thing.  She has her toys, and she fusses sometimes too, but I'm okay with that.  She is learning to entertain herself, soothe herself, learns that yes I will eventually come back to save her, and it allows a little excitement in her eyes and smile when I do come back for her.  She has learned that if she's hungry, I'll put her down in a certain spot and go through a specific set of motions, and she goes from crying because she's hungry to smiling and watching me, because she knows what I am doing!

If you want to baby-wear, breastfeed 24/7, and make home-grown home-made dinners and desserts every day, more power to you.  I'm just happy I kept myself sane, and my daughter fed and cleaned, today without a total melt down on her part!

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